AI Speed Dating

Meet professionals, enthusiasts, and innovators in focused 15-minute conversations

How It Works

Join us for a unique networking experience where you'll connect with others in the AI space through a series of focused 15-minute conversations.

Here's how it works:

  • 💻 Once a month, we host a fully virtual AI Speed Dating event.
  • ⏱️ You get 4 to 6 slots of 15 minutes to meet new people.
  • 🗣️ Share what you're working on - whether it's at the company you're working at, a startup you're building, or a side project you're passionate about.
  • 🌟 Hear about cool projects, tools, and ideas you might have missed.
  • 🤝 If you want to continue the conversation, you can follow up afterwards. If not, no big deal - it's just 15 minutes.

📅 First Session

Our first session will be held on Tuesday, 18th February at 18:30 GMT.

Going forward, we'll meet on the third Tuesday of every month at the same time.

Personal Information

About You
